Special for all executive professional public speakers in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and around the world, we inform you that Surabaya School of Public Speaking (SSPS) will held training public speaking for all class and jobs in the program:
"ONE DAY PUBLIC SPEAKING IN Kuala Lumpur Malaysia "
Date/ time: 18 December 2016 (08.30-11.00)
Location: Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Fee: only RM 8.000
Register : SMS to 085730005223/ 085655123862. Info transfer BCA No. AC/Rek: 7880093082. (Limited seat).
Profile Trainer of SSPS: Professional-international expert public speaker/ Doctor (PhD) dan Master (MA) qualifications. Also participated/ invited to interview on several mass media and other institutions, such as: Metro TV, JTV, Radio Suara Surabaya, Radio SINDO, PAS FM, Universitas Indonesia (UI), UGM, Universitas Ciputra (UC), Universitas Kristen Petra (UK Petra), Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), Universitas Widya Mandala (UWM), UNAIR, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), UIN, IAIN, STAIN, Universitas Ma Chung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) dan beberapa kampus ternama lainnya. Juga beberapa perusahaan/ institusi lain seperti PT Maspion, PT Semen Gresik, Pertamina Link, AirAsia, Garuda Indonesia, PT Hori Lighting, Astra International, Bank BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri, Dokter Rumah Sakit Asrama Haji Surabaya, RSI, Starbuck Tunjungan Plaza, Kejaksaan Negeri (KEJARI) Gresik, Polda Jatim, BPKP Jatim dan lainnya. Juga biasa menulis kolom dan opini di sejumlah media, seperti Jawa Pos, Kompas, Radar Surabaya, Republika, Surya, Bali Post, ChinaTown, the Jakarta Post, Sindo, the Jakarta Globe , etc.
Materials: Therapy nervous/ Presentation skills/ Public speaking skills/ public relations/ Master of Ceremony (MC)/ Negotiation technique/ Lobby skills/ Creative Public Speaking/ Strategic public speaking and others.

nice information
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