Surabaya School of Public Speaking

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Surabaya School of Public Speaking

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Informasi Kursus Public Speaking di SSPS Surabaya


Motto: Leads You to Be Different Public Speaker

Bagi anda peminat public speaking, kami informasikan beberapa program baru  di Surabaya School of Public Speaking (SSPS) yang kini bisa diakses untuk semua kalangan:

1. Program General Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 1.000.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 50.000,-)

2. Program Special Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 1.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

3. Program Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 2.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

4. Program Elite-Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 3.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

5. Program New Elite-Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 8.000.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran gratis,-)


Profile Trainer/ Tutor di SSPS: Memiliki kualifikasi ijazah Doktor (S3) dan Master (S2), Berpengalaman dan Profesional, Pernah diundang di institusi pemerintah dan non pemerintah/ swasta baik di luarnegeri maupun dalam negeri, menjadi pembicara di Metro TV, JTV, Radio Suara Surabaya, Radio SINDO, PAS FM, Universitas Indonesia (UI), UGM, Universitas Ciputra (UC), Universitas Kristen Petra (UK Petra), Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), Universitas Widya Mandala (UWM), UNAIR, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), UIN, IAIN, STAIN, Universitas Ma Chung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) dan beberapa kampus ternama lainnya. Juga beberapa perusahaan/ institusi lain seperti PT Maspion, PT Semen Gresik, Pertamina Link, PT Hori Lighting, Astra International, Bank BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri, Dokter Rumah Sakit Asrama Haji Surabaya, RSI, Starbuck Tunjungan Plaza, Kejaksaan Negeri (KEJARI) Gresik, Polda Jatim, BPKP Jatim dan lainnya. Juga biasa menulis kolom dan opini di sejumlah media, seperti Jawa Pos, Kompas, Radar Surabaya, Republika, Surya, Bali Post, ChinaTown, the Jakarta Post, Sindo, the Jakarta Globe dan lainnya. 

MATERI PILIHAN KURSUS: Tips dan Teknik Public Speaking Profesional/ Terapi Rasa Minder/ Terapi Rasa Panik/ Terapi  Rasa Takut/ Senam Vokal/ Master of Ceremony (MC)/ Teknik Presentasi/ Teknik Negosiasi/ Teknik Loby/ Teknik Komentar Efektif, Menjadi Pembicara Handal/ Sukses Bicara di Depan Publik/ Creative Public Speaking/ Breaking Your Mental Block (Bagaimana Menemukan dan Menghancurkan Penghambat dalam Diri dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah melalui analogika medical) dan lainnya. 

FASILITAS KURSUS: Materi sesuai program yang dipilih dan SERTIFIKAT kursus. (Gratis soft-drink, parkir mobil dan kendaraan bermotor) plus foto bersama.

Catatan untuk peserta: Semua program kursus/ training di SSPS baik privat maupun non-privat diambil sebanyak 3 pertemuan ( 3 meetings), minimal 1 hari bisa dengan sistem rapel waktu. Selain itu, jumlah 3 kali pertemuan wajib diambil dalam waktu maksimal 2 bulan terhitung sejak tanggal pertemuan pertama saat kursus. Bila melebihi waktu 2 bulan sejak tanggal awal kursus (dengan alasan apapun baik sakit atau sibuk dan alasan lainnya), dianggap melewati batas kursus dan tidak boleh melanjutkan kursusnya. Dalam hal ini, kursus dianggap telah selesai (Expired). Diperbolehkan kursus dengan catatan harus mendaftar ulang (registrasi) lagi seperti biasanya. Terima kasih.

Tips Mau Menjadi Pembicara di Depan Publik (Public Speaking) :

1. Rileks…Pastikan kondisi tubuh & suara fit, segar dan normal. Atasi rasa gugup dengan menarik nafas panjang dan dalam, menggerakkan badan sedikit untuk sekedar melemaskan otot yang kaku, berdiri tegap lalu tersenyumlah

2. Know The Room (Kenalilah ruangan tempat anda akan menjadi pembicara)

3. Know The Audience (Kenali karakteristik tamu dan pandang mereka sebagai sahabat Bicara, bukan lawan bicara)

4. Know The Material (Kuasai bahan yang akan dibawakan). Baca literature yang diperlukan untuk menunjang pengetahuan anda, karena semakin banyak yang anda ketahui tentang acara yang anda bawakan, pasti semakin Percaya Diri

5. Susun pointer untuk membantu mengingat apa yang akan diucapkan

6. Pakailah pakaian yang serasi/cocok dengan acara, jangan sampai saltum atau salah kostum.

7. Lakukan gerakan tangan seperlunya saat berbicara. Jangan sampai berlebihan apalagi untuk menutupi kegugupan. Karena gerakan tubuh yang berlebihan hanya akan mengacaukan penampilan anda

8. Jaga mulut & tenggorokan selalu basah, untuk itu siapkan air putih yang siap diminum jika dibutuhkan

9. Jangan makan & minum yang akan mengganggu organ tubuh anda, minimal satu jam sebelum tampil misalnya soda, makanan berlemak (yang bisa membuat mual), makanan pedas atau asam.

10. Tampillah Percaya Diri dan Be Yourself

Program kursus ini diselenggarakan oleh Surabaya School of Public Speaking (SSPS). Info lebih lanjut bisa datang atau hubungi di alamat kami: Griya Farras, Ambassador Hall. Jl. Gadelsari Madya No.9, Tandes Surabaya. (Lokasi Belakang badan diklat Propinsi Jatim di Balongsari).

Smoga info ini bermanfaat bagi anda semua...

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25 Public Speaking Skills Every Speaker Must Have

The 25 Public Speaking Skills Every Speaker Must Have

by Andrew Dlugan

Oct 31st, 2007

Inspired by 25 Skills Every Man Should Know, I pondered a list of the 25 essential skills every public speaker should have. How did I do?

Every public speaker should be able to:

1     1.       Research a topic – Good speakers stick to what they know. Great speakers research what they need to convey their message.
2     2.       Focus – Help your audience grasp your message by focusing on your message. Stories, humour, or other “sidebars” should connect to the core idea. Anything that doesn’t needs to be edited out.
33.       Organize ideas logically – A well-organized presentation can be absorbed with minimal mental strain. Bridging is key.
44.       Employ quotations, facts, and statistics – Don’t include these for the sake of including them, but do use them appropriately to complement your ideas.
55.       Master metaphors – Metaphors enhance the understandability of the message in a way that direct language often can not.
66.       Tell a story – Everyone loves a story. Points wrapped up in a story are more memorable, too!
77.       Start strong and close stronger – The body of your presentation should be strong too, but your audience will remember your first and last words (if, indeed, they remember anything at all).
88.       Incorporate humour – Knowing when to use humour is essential. So is developing the comedic timing to deliver it with greatest effect.
99.       Vary vocal pace, tone, and volume – A monotone voice is like fingernails on the chalkboard.
110.   Punctuate words with gestures – Gestures should complement your words in harmony. Tell them how big the fish was, and show them with your arms.
111.   Utilize 3-dimensional space – Chaining yourself to the lectern limits the energy and passion you can exhibit. Lose the notes, and lose the chain.
112.   Complement words with visual aids – Visual aids should aid the message; they should not be the message. Read slide:ology or the Presentation Zen book and adopt the techniques.
113.   Analyze the audience – Deliver the message they want (or need) to hear.
114.   Connect with the audience – Eye contact is only the first step. Aim to have the audience conclude “This speaker is just like me!” The sooner, the better.
115.   Interact with the audience – Ask questions (and care about the answers). Solicit volunteers. Make your presentation a dialogue.
116.   Conduct a Q&A session – Not every speaking opportunity affords a Q&A session, but understand how to lead one productively. Use the Q&A to solidify the impression that you are an expert, not (just) a speaker.
117.   Lead a discussion – Again, not every speaking opportunity affords time for a discussion, but know how to engage the audience productively.
118.   Obey time constraints – Maybe you have 2 minutes. Maybe you have 45. Either way, customize your presentation to fit the time allowed, and respect your audience by not going over time.
119.   Craft an introduction – Set the context and make sure the audience is ready to go, whether the introduction is for you or for someone else.
220.   Exhibit confidence and poise – These qualities are sometimes difficult for a speaker to attain, but easy for an audience to sense.
221.   Handle unexpected issues smoothly – Maybe the lights will go out. Maybe the projector is dead. Have a plan to handle every situation.
222.   Be coherent when speaking off the cuff – Impromptu speaking (before, after, or during a presentation) leaves a lasting impression too. Doing it well tells the audience that you are personable, and that you are an expert who knows their stuff beyond the slides and prepared speech.
223.   Seek and utilize feedback – Understand that no presentation or presenter (yes, even you!) is perfect. Aim for continuous improvement, and understand that the best way to improve is to solicit candid feedback from as many people as you can.
224.   Listen critically and analyze other speakers – Study the strengths and weakness of other speakers.
225.   Act and speak ethically – Since public speaking fears are so common, realize the tremendous power of influence that you hold. Use this power responsibly.

Which skills have I missed? Are all of those on the list essential?


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8 Additional Skills for Professional Speakers

Here's what's involved in each competency:
The Professional Awareness competency is developed through active participation in professional organizations like NSA and CAPS. Speakers who are professionally aware know about the history and early development of the industry, keep up with new trends and developments in the market place, and operate their businesses by the highest principles of ethical practice. For instance, you will never find an ethical, professionally aware speaker copying the presentation material delivered by another presenter.
The Professional Relationships competency addresses the importance of working effectively with clients and meeting planners, cooperating with colleagues and business partners, and collaborating with agents and bureaus. Professional speakers who experience long term success manage their relationships well and are held in high esteem by others both inside and outside the industry.
The Topic Development competency focuses on how to choose, research, organize, develop, and expand the content of keynotes and training sessions. It involves skill in the use of research and journaling tools as well as knowing how to create learning activities and develop high impact stories.
The Platform Mechanics competency focuses on the staging of the presentation and includes elements such as room layout, lighting design, selecting and operating audiovisual equipment and sound systems, positioning props, screens and seating, and managing the facility and audience traffic flow.
The Presenting and Performing competency is related to the delivery of the speaker's message. This involves clarity of speech, control of vocal tone and volume, variation in speed and pacing for emphasis and impact, creating and selecting communication aids (like presentations and handouts), eye contact and other forms of non-verbal communication.
The Skills in Authorship and Product Development competency allow speakers to extend the impact of their presentations long beyond their time with the audience. Being able to produce and market products like books, videos, and audio messages (delivered in hard format or electronically) also expands the sources of business revenue.
The Sales and Marketing Skills competency is essential for connecting your messages and services with the appropriate clients. This competency includes conducting market research, selecting target markets, managing the sales process, and developing and maintaining client relationships. It may also involve skills in advertising and public relations.
The Managing the Business competency includes elements of planning, finance and administration. There are the obvious basic skills such as bookkeeping, record keeping, and office management. Business management also involves more complex activities like designing fee structures, predicting cash flow, analyzing profits, and strategic planning.There is a lot to know about each of these eight competencies. Since Chapter programs and convention sessions are organized directly around these key competencies for speaking success, getting involved in CAPS is a very effective way to hone your skills and keep up with developments in the speaking industry and marketplace.


10 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes

How come intelligent, business-savvy people end up boring their audiences? They fail to recognize that public speaking is an acquired skill that improves with practice and honest feedback. Speaking for 20 minutes before the right group of people can do more for your career than spending a year behind a desk!

Rob Sherman, an attorney and public speaker in Columbus, Ohio, says in an article in the Toastmaster magazine to avoid these mistakes:

  • Starting with a whimper. Don’t start with “Thank you for that kind introduction.” Start with a bang! Give the audience a startling statistic, an interesting quote, a news headline – something powerful that will get their attention immediately.
  • Attempting to imitate other speakers. Authenticity is lost when you aren’t yourself.
  • Failing to “work” the room. Your audience wants to meet you. If you don’t take time to mingle before the presentation, you lose an opportunity to enhance your credibility with your listeners.
  • Failing to use relaxation techniques. Do whatever it takes – listening to music, breathing deeply, shrugging your shoulders – to relieve nervous tension.
  • Reading a speech word for word. This will put the audience to sleep. Instead use a “keyword” outline: Look at the keyword to prompt your thoughts. Look into the eyes of the audience, then speak.
  • Using someone else’s stories. It’s okay to use brief quotes from other sources, but to connect with the audience, you must illustrate your most profound thoughts from your own life experiences. If you think you don’t have any interesting stories to tell, you are not looking hard enough.
  • Speaking without passion. The more passionate you are about your topic, the more likely your audience will act on your suggestions.
  • Ending a speech with questions and answers. Instead, tell the audience that you will take questions and then say, “We will move to our closing point.” After the Q and A, tell a story that ties in with your main theme, or summarize your key points. Conclude with a quote or call to action.
  • Failing to prepare. Your reputation is at stake every time you face an audience – so rehearse well enough to ensure you’ll leave a good impression!
  • Failing to recognize that speaking is an acquired skill. Effective executives learn how to present in the same way they learn to use other tools to operate their businesses. 
Source: (all accesed 4/10/2012).

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11 Tips for Better Public Speaking

Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some
proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
  1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more
    about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say.

  2. Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.

  3. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers.

  4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

  5. Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.

  6. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence.

  7. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you.

  8. Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem – the audience probably never noticed it.

  9. Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.

  10. Gain experience. Mainly, your speech should represent you — as an authority and as a person. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. 
  11. Joining Course in Public Speaking.  Joining and taking Public Speaking course can improve and provide the experience you need in a safe and friendly environmen.

Analizing and Knowing Your Audience

Whether you are presenting to a small group of 20 or a large group of 200, there are many things you can to do in advance to ensure that your presentation achieves the desired response. The most important is to know and understand your audience as well as the venue logistics.
To connect with your audience, you need to understand why your topic is important to them. What do they expect to learn from the presentation? Don't assume the audience is like you. They may have cultural or geographic biases and the more you understand them, the better you can express yourself to them and avoid speaking gaffes. It is also important to know the level of knowledge they have about your topic, so you can present the information with the correct tone to keep people interested and engaged. There is nothing more insulting than to present basic information to a highly knowledgeable audience, and conversely, speak at too high a level for a novice audience.
If you are presenting in a foreign country, it is important to understand the cultural differences of the audience. How do they dress? How is their sense of humor? How do they typically communicate? What gestures are appropriate or inappropriate? Are there religious factors that should be considered?
There are several things you can do to prepare and research your audience before and at the beginning of the talk that will help you adjust your speech to better engage the audience.

Research in Advance

Prior to the meeting or event, speak to the organizer or sponsor of the meeting and find out the level of knowledge the audience has on the topic for discussion. Ask about the audience expectations as well as their demographics–age, background, gender, etc. If you are presenting at an industry event, research the event Web site and familiarize yourself with the mission of the event and typical attendees.
If you are presenting to a corporation, then learn as much as you can about them by visiting their Web site, reading news reports, and reviewing their blogs.

Greet Them at the Door

If you are unable to find out much information about the audience prior to the meeting, you'll have to improvise and adjust your talk on the fly based on information you collect at the beginning of the meeting.
Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills, suggests that, if possible, the speaker greet people at the door and ask questions to ascertain their level of knowledge and expectations of the audience. You'll also make a few friends in the beginning and it's always nice to have friends in the room.

Call and Response Technique

Toastmasters also suggests that speakers use the "Call and Response" technique at the beginning of the talk. Frame questions at the beginning geared toward learning about the audience. Find out how much experience they have with the topic and adjust the speech accordingly. Using this method you can also gauge the mood of the audience. If the audience seems to be in a lighthearted mood, the speaker can use humor to keep audience interest. If they seem to be serious or the topic is of a serious nature, then the speaker should get right to meat of the talk.

Be Familiar with the Room Layout

Public speaking coach Lisa Braithwaite suggests that the speaker visit the location of the talk prior to the meeting if possible to see how the room will be laid out, and to make any requests for positioning the visual aid equipment. Braithwaite also notes that knowing more about the venue and the size of the room will give the speaker some idea as to how energetic and physical they will have to be to engage the audience, whether a microphone will needed, and what type of visual aids will be the most effective.
When you know more about your audience and their expectations, you'll be able to tailor your talk to make it more interesting. Your audience will be engaged and satisfied, and you will willingly accept their applause at the end.
Tom Ricci is an independent writer.

Inspirasi Kata Bijak Public Speaking

Apart from practicing the 3Cs (clear, concise, and consistent message) of effective public speaking, it is crucial that you capture the attention of your audience within the very first 60 seconds. You can do so by giving a striking start to your speech with a famous quote. The following list of quotes will not only infuse you with confidence but also lend credibility to your speech.

Words of Wisdom

"Be sincere; be brief; be seated." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It's quite simple. Say what you have to say and when you come to a sentence with a grammatical ending, sit down." - Winston Churchill

"If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important that the ability to communicate effectively." - Gerald R. Ford

"Public speaking is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary." - John F. Kennedy

"Extemporaneous speaking should be practiced and cultivated." - Abraham Lincoln

"No one ever complains about a speech being too short!" - Ira Hayes

"Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech." - Mark Twain

"Speeches measured by the hour die with the hour." - Thomas Jefferson

"You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart." - John Ford

"Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." - Dorothy Sarnoff

Inspiring Success

"Grasp the subject, the words will follow." - Cato The Elder

"There are three things to aim at: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience." - Alexander Gregg

"He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument, but in the right word. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense." - Joseph Conrad

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Carl W. Buechner

"The most precious things in speech are the pauses." - Sir Ralph Richardson

"There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave." - Dale Carnegie

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." - Winston Churchill

"It's not how strongly you feel about your topic, it's how strongly they feel about your topic after you speak." - Tim Salladay

"Say not always what you know, but always know what you say." - Claudius

On a Lighter Note

"The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public." - George Jessel

"A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest." - Winston Churchill

"Speak when you are angry-and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret." - Laurence J. Peter

"Oratory is just like prostitution: you must have little tricks." - Vittorio Emanuele Orlando

"There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you." - Winston Churchill

"What this country needs is less public speaking and more private thinking." - Roscoe Drummond

"Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either." - Gore Vidal

"I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking. But I do strongly object when they start shaking them to make sure they are still going." - Lord Birkett

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy." - Jerry Seinfeld

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a moment... I would become a better public speaker." - Homer Simpson

"Once you get people laughing, they're listening and you can tell them almost anything." - Herbert Gardner

"Every speaker has a mouth;
An arrangement rather neat.
Sometimes it's filled with wisdom.
Sometimes it's filled with feet." - Robert Orben

To be an influential speaker, you will have to understand the expectations of your audience. Hope these quotes will inspire and encourage you to deliver an effective speech that will have a positive and lasting impression.
By Deepa Kartha
Last Updated: 9/26/2012
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Congratulations and Welcome to Surabaya School of Public Speaking

Congratulations and welcome to all participants who has registered, joined and participated at Surabaya School of Public Speaking. Hopefully, always the best for all of you.

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Menjadi Pembicara Publik Tak Cukup Bermodal Pintar

Keterampilan teknis seseorang dalam bidang tertentu boleh jadi sangat menentukan karier seseorang. Tapi hal itu juga harus didukung kemampuan berbicara dan presentasi karena dengan ilmu itu materi akan terasa lebih hidup dan tepat sasaran.

Kemampuan berbicara di depan umum (public speaking) dan presentasi merupakan salah satu penunjang keberhasilan seseorang, terutama mereka yang menggeluti pekerjaan yang senantiasa bersinggungan dengan orang lain. Sebab, sebagai makhluk hidup, manusia harus melakukan komunikasi dengan cara menyatakan ekspresi lewat kemampuan presentasi dan berbicara.

Pentingnya kemahiran berbicara di depan umum ini juga mencuat di kalangan profesional. Iman Partogi Hasiholan, Direktur Operasional Charles Bonar Sirait (CBS) School of Communications, misalnya, menganggap proses komunikasi ini merupakan bagian dari kebutuhan manusia. Kemampuan ini sangat penting karena tulisan dan gambar saja tidak cukup untuk menyakinkan orang lain," kata dia.

Bahkan saking pentingnya kemampuan ini, General Manager Corporate Human Capital PT United Tractors Tbk, Endang Tri Handajani beranggapan bahwa pada dasarnya kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi wajib dimiliki semua profesi dengan pendidikan minimal sarjana. "Tak ada alasan sarjana tidak bisa melakukan presentasi," ungkapnya.

Di mata Endang kemampuan public speaking lebih sulit dikuasai daripada kemampuan presentasi. Maklum ketika melakukan presentasi, seseorang masih bisa menyiapkan materi dan menggunakan sejumlah peralatan penunjang. Tapi tidak begitu dengan public speaking. Seseorang harus siap menyampaikan gagasan dalam kondisi apapun dan dengan peralatan pendukung yang terbatas.

Pentingnya kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi untuk menunjang karier juga diakui oleh Kepala Komunikasi PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa (IT), Aldo Yuliardi. Menurut dia, dengan kemampuan public speaking yang baik, seorang profesional bisa menyampaikan gagasannya saat berbicara tanpa menimbulkan salah paham. "Kemampuan itu dibutuhkan terutama oleh kalangan profesional yang harus berhubungan dengan orang banyak orang, seperti para salesman, public relations, dan wartawan," ujar Aldo.

Kemampuan menyampaikan pesan ini tentu akan sangat menunjang karier yang dijalani. Misalnya, bagi seseorang yang berprofesi sebagai salesman alias tenaga penjual, tanpa kemampuan persuasif yang baik, tentu sulit mendapatkan pelanggan. Tapi, apabila dia memiliki kemampuan berbicara di depan umum yang baik dan mampu mempresentasikan produk dengan persuasif, audiens akan tertarik. Dari situlah dia akan mendapatkan banyak pelanggan, sehingga kemungkinan juga akan mendapatkan imbalan sepadan dari perusahaan.

Mursosan Wiguna, Human Capital & Corporate Affair Director Tudung Group menambahkan, kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi juga perlu didukung oleh
penguasaan materi dan sikap yang baik. HC System Development Department Head Adira Insurance, Laura Sumampouw menimpali, skill public speaking ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari content yang dibawakan. "Banyak orang yang pandai, memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik dan dalam, namun kurang terlihat tampil dengan baik jika tidak disertai dengan kemampuan menyampaikan pendapat atau pemikiran yang memadai," katanya.

Segala profesi

Kemampuan public speaking juga sangat penting dimiliki oleh orang-orang dengan posisi yang menelurkan ide, analisis, dan profesi-profesi yang mengharuskan hubungan dengan banyak orang. Artinya hampir semua profesi dalam perkembangannya membutuhkan kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi. "Akan tetapi, ada beberapa jenis profesi atau dunia kerja yang sangat terkait erat dengan kemampuan tersebut seperti tenaga penjual dan periklanan," kata Iman.

Endang mengatakan beberapa pekerjaan tertentu seperti corporate communication dan public relation menjadikan kemampuan public speakingmenjadi syarat utama dalam perekrutan karyawan.

Bagi orang-orang yang bekerja di divisi human resouces development, kemampuan ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan sumber daya manusia perusahaan. "Orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab di HRD mempunyai tugas sebagi agen perubahan. Jadi,
mereka mesti memiliki strategi jitu untuk mengembangkan sumber daya manusia perusahaan," kata Mursosan.

Tantowi Yahya pemilik Tantowi Yahya Public Speaking School mengatakan, kebutuhan ketrampilan public speaking dalam sebuah pekerjaan semakin luas, tidak sebatas untuk orang-orang yang bertugas di pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Menurut dia, semua pekerjaan membutuhkan ketrampilan public speaking dan presentasi. "Sepuluh tahun terakhir, public speakingtelah menjadi ilmu yang sangat dibutuhkan, bahkan menjadi salah satu syarat seseorang yang
akan menduduki jabatan sebagai seorang presiden direktur," kata Tantowi.

Jadi, jangan menganggap bahwapublic speaking dan presentasi ini hanya dibutuhkan oleh orang-orang yang berprofesi sebagai pembawa acara, presenter, atau corporate communication sebuah perusahaan. Akan tetapi, hampir semua profesi yang berhubungan dengan masyarakat membutuhkan kemampuan ini. Mulai dari tingkat salesman hingga seorang presiden direktur pun membutuhkan kemampuan ini.

Bakat tidak cukup

Bagi sebagian orang aktivitas berbicara di depan umum atau presentasi adalah hal mudah, karena di dalam diri orang tersebut memang ada sifat percaya diri yang tinggi dan memang sudah memiliki bakat atas kemampuan tersebut. Tapi bagi sebagian lagi menganggap hal itu sebagai momok yang menakutkan karena memang kurang percaya diri dan merasa tidak memiliki kemampuan.

Namun bakat atau tidak bakatnya seseorang tidak menjamin seseorang bisa melakukan presentasi dan berbicara di depan umum. "Kalau tidak ada bakat seharusnya berlatih keras. Nah, yang berbakat juga harus berlatih sebab berbakat saja tidak cukup," kata Iman. Menurutnya, kemampuan ini memiliki teori-teori yang mesti dipelajari.

Menurut Tantowi, bakat berbicara seseorang hanya berkontribusi 20% terhadap keberhasilan public speaking, selebihnya adalah hasil dari pelatihan. "Memiliki bakat saja tidak cukup, kalau orang hanya memiliki bakat mereka hanya bicara panjang lebar tapi belum tentu ada esensinya," katanya.

Bagi mereka yang berbakat, tidak akan sulit untuk mengasah kemampuan verbal. Cukup dipoles dengan skill dan teknik presentasi atau public speaking, kemampuan verbal itu akan lebih sempurna. "Kalau orang yang kurang memiliki talenta dalam verbal communication tentu akan membutuhkan lebih banyak jam terbang," kata Laura.

Laura menambahkan, public speaking tidak hanya bermain di area verbal communication, ada juga faktor sistematika berpikir dan self confidence. "Untuk komunikasi verbal, saya rasa bisa cukup bisa dilatih, namun sistematika berpikir juga ada faktor IQ, self confidence juga ada faktor psikologis," jelasnya. Untuk hal-hal tersebut, jam terbang sangat penting dan harus konsisten sekali dilatih. Mungkin hasilnya tidak sesempurna orang yang "dari sononya " sudah berbakat dalam verbal, sistematika berpikir bagus, dan yang self confidence tinggi.

Kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi, menurut Endang, pertama harus dilandasi dengan pemahaman tentang apa yang tengah disampaikannya. Selanjutnya, dia harus bisa menyampaikannya dengan baik agar pesan sampai. "Ada orang yang paham, tapi tidak bisa menyampaikannya. Orang seperti itu jarang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan, kecuali untuk spesialis," ujar Endang.

Tapi, seorang spesialis pun pada awalnya tetap harus mempresentasikan dulu kemampuannya. Jadi kemampuan berbicara tetap penting bagi semua pekerjaan. Di sisi lain, seseorang yang berhasil dalam berbicara dan menyampaikan gagasannya tidak selalu harus memiliki kemampuan teknis atau ahli di bidang tertentu. Asal sudah memiliki pengetahuan dasar yang cukup di bidang itu, seseorang bisa menyampaikannya dengan jelas.

Dari penjelasan ini tampak bahwa berbicara di depan umum tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Nah untuk menguasai kemampuan public speaking dan presentasi, menurut Mursosan bisa didapat dengan belajar secara otodidak maupun mengikuti pendidikan khusus. "Kalau otodidak kita bisa melihat atau menyimak orang-orang yang sedang presentasi. Bukan hanya belajar berbicara, kita juga harus pintar menyiapkan materi. Asal ada kemauan belajar pasti bisa," jelasnya.

Masih menurut Mursosan, dalam mempelajari ilmu ini, sebaiknya 70% praktik dan 30% teori. Artinya, Anda jangan terjebak hanya untuk memperhatikan teori, tapi juga membangun kepercayaan diri dengan rajin berlatih dan berani mengekspresikan diri. "Tapi kalau ingin memperdalam tidak ada salahnya mengikuti pendidikan atau kursus," katanya.

Untuk belajar ilmu ini, biasanya tidak terlalu memakan waktu. Biaya yang harus Anda siapkan pun bervariasi mulai Rp 3 juta hingga Rp 15 juta. Berikut contoh lembaga yang menyediakan kursuspublic speaking, di antaranya CBS School of Communications dan Tantowi Yahya Public
Speaking School.

• CBS School of Communication

Charles Bonar Sirait School of Communication berdiri sejak tiga tahun silam. Dari namanya saja sudah ketahuan siapa pemilik sekolah ini. Ya, Charles Bonar Sirait, seorang artis, model, dan presenter kondang yang mendirikan sekolah ini. "Selain beliau, tenaga pengajar kami adalah para profesional di bidangnya dan seminim-minimnya bergelar S-1," kata Iman.

Untuk belajar public speaking di CBS School, minimal siswa harus berusia 17 tahun dan maksimal 55 tahun, sehat jasmani, dan menyukai aktivitas public speakingSyarat lainnya antara lain bebas narkoba dan menunjukkan rapor bagi siswa lulusan SMA dan ijazah kelulusan bagi lulusan pendidikan tinggi. "Klien kami selama ini cukup beragam, mulai personal dan instansi," kata Iman.

Beberapa instansi yang pernah menjadi klien CBS School antara lain BCA, Bina Nusantara School, BNI LIfe, Prudential, Jamsostek, PT Taspen, Permatabank, Telkomsel, Toyota Indonesia, dan lainnya.

Salah satu pendidikan public speaking yang ditawarkan adalah kelas reguler yang dapat dikuti dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan sampai dengan 2 bulan. Kelas ini ditujukan bagi perusahaan dan profesionalnya yang memiliki waktu belajar terbatas. Calon peserta cukup memilih public speaking bidang tertentu misalnya public speaking untuk TV presenter, public speaking untuk Master of Ceremony, public speaking untuk sales industry, public speaking untuk public relations, public speaking
untuk customer service, public speaking untuk insurance agent, dan public speaking untuk hospitality industry (hotel, penerbangan, rumah sakit, dan call centre).

Sekolah ini menawarkan biaya kursus mulai Rp 7 juta hingga Rp 15 juta per paket. Lulusan dari lembaga ini akan mendapatkan sertifikat.

• Tantowi Yahya Public Speaking School

Sekolah milik pembawa acara televisi kondang, Tantowi Yahya sudah berdiri sejak empat tahun lalu. Hingga sekarang, lembaga pendidikan itu sudah beroperasi di lima kota yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Singapura, dan Kuala Lumpur. "Sejak pertama kali dibuka kami sudah meluluskan lebih dari 1.000 orang," kata Tantowi

Tantowi mengatakan, Tantowi Yahya Public Speaking School mengajarkan teori-teori dasar public speaking yang disertai dengan praktik langsung. Pendidikan di sekolah itu dibagi dalam empat tingkatan dengan waktu pendidikan masing-masing selama tiga bulan. Jadi peserta bisa menyelesaikan sekolah itu dalam satu tahun. Biaya pendidikan untuk setiap tingkatan rata-rata Rp 3 juta.

Tantowi sendiri sekali-kali turun mengajar terutama pada kelas-kelas khusus yang berorientasi praktik. Sedangkan staf pengajar utama merupakan para ahli di bidang public speaking seperti pembawa acara dan akademisi. Dengan begitu, Tantowi yakin, para peserta pendidikan di sekolahnya bisa mendapatkan ilmu dari para pengajar yang tepat.

Uniknya, tidak ada persyaratan pendidikan minimal bagi seseorang yang akan mengikuti pendidikan di sana. Menurut Tantowi, jika memiliki minat besar, lulusan SMP pun bisa mengikuti pendidikan. Tapi, Tantowi menegaskan bahwa sekolahnya bukan untuk mencetak pembawa acara televisi seperti dirinya. Yang paling utama, sekolah itu akan mengajarkan cara berkomunikasi yang efisien di depan publik.

Tantowi mengatakan alasannya membuka sekolah public speaking karena telah merasakan sendiri pentingnya memiliki ketrampilan public speaking. Pria yang saat ini terjun ke dunia politik itu telah lama malang melintang di dunia hiburan sebagai pembawa acara di berbagai acara televisi terutama kuis. Selain itu, dia juga menjabat sebagai eksekutif baik di perusahaan lain maupun di perusahaannya sendiri.

Keberhasilannya selama ini, menurut Tantowi tidak lepas dari kemampuan public speaking yang dimilikinya. Jadi dengan membangun sekolah itu, dia ingin menularkan kemampuannya ke orang lain sebanyak mungkin.

Jadi, jangan sepelekan kemampuan bercuap-cuap, ya.


Motto: Leads You to Be Different Public Speaker

Bagi anda peminat public speaking, kami informasikan beberapa program baru di Surabaya School of Public Speaking (SSPS) yang kini bisa diakses untuk semua kalangan:

1. Program General Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 1.000.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 50.000,-)

2. Program Special Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 1.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

3. Program Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 2.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

4. Program Elite-Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 3.900.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran Rp. 100.000,-)

5. Program New Elite-Executive Professional Public Speaking (3 meeting, Biaya Total: Rp. 8.000.000,- dan biaya pendaftaran gratis,-)

Profile Trainer/ Tutor di SSPS: Memiliki kualifikasi ijazah Doktor (S3) dan Master (S2), Berpengalaman dan Profesional, Pernah diundang di institusi pemerintah dan non pemerintah/ swasta baik di luarnegeri maupun dalam negeri, menjadi pembicara di Metro TV, JTV, Radio Suara Surabaya, Radio SINDO Surabaya, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Ciputra (UC), Universitas Kristen Petra (UK Petra), Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), Universitas Widya Mandala (UWM), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN), dan IAIN, STAIN, UMM dan beberapa kampus ternama lainnya. Juga beberapa perusahaan dan institusi lain seperti PT Semen Gresik, Pertamina Link, PT Hori Lighting, Astra International, PELNI, PELINDO, Perusahaan Distributor Gresik, PT Maspion Sidoarjo, Hotel Surabaya, Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri, Bank BRI, Bank BNI, Dokter Rumah Sakit Asrama Haji Surabaya, Rumah Sakit Islam (RSI) Surabaya, Starbuck Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya, Kejaksaan Negeri (KEJARI) Gresik, Perhutani Jawa Timur, Humas Pemerintahan Propinsi Jawa Timur, PNS Pemkot Surabaya, dan lainnya. Selain itu, juga biasa menulis kolom dan opini di sejumlah media massa, seperti Jawa Pos, Kompas, Radar Surabaya, Republika, Surya, Koran Pak Oles, Bali Post, the Jakarta Post, Koran Sindo, the Jakarta Globe dan lainnya. 

MATERI PILIHAN KURSUS: Diagnosa dan Terapi Public Speaking/ Tips dan Teknik Public Speaking Profesional/ Terapi Rasa Minder/ Terapi Rasa Panik/ Terapi  Rasa Takut/ Senam Vokal/ Master of Ceremony (MC)/ Teknik Presentasi/ Teknik Negosiasi/ Teknik Loby/ Teknik Komentar Efektif/ Menjadi Pembicara Handal/ Sukses Bicara di Depan Publik/ Creative Public Speaking/ Komunikasi Efektif/ Smart Parenting/ Personality Development/ Sekolah Kepribadian/ Motivasi Bisnis/ Komunikasi Bisnis/ Public Relations/ Humas/ Komunikasi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit/ Komunikasi Perusahaan/ Komunikasi Organisasi/ Komunikasi Pemerintahan/ Komunikasi Politik/ Komunikasi Antar Budaya/ Breaking Your Mental Block (Bagaimana Menemukan dan Menghancurkan Penghambat dalam Diri dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah melalui analogika medical) dan lainnya. 

Anda bebas bisa tentukan jadwal kursus. Hari sabtu dan minggu tetap buka. Setiap hari jam kantor buka dari jam 07.00 Pagi sampai jam 20.00 WIB.

FASILITAS KURSUS: Materi sesuai program yang dipilih dan SERTIFIKAT kursus.

Program kursus ini diselenggarakan oleh Surabaya School of Public Speaking (SSPS). Info lebih lanjut bisa datang atau hubungi di alamat kami: Griya Farras, Jl. Gadelsari Madya No.9, Tandes Surabaya.

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